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St Dominic Savio Catholic Primary School ‘Serve the Lord with Joy’

Our Safeguarding Curriculum

Safeguarding in the Curriculum


Safeguarding is taught to our children in all that we do. This may be about crossing the road safely, or how to be safe online. Our comprehensive PSHE curriculum teaches about consent, for example, and we ensure that this knowledge is built upon - year on year. 

In addition to to curriculum taught in school, we also take the opportunity to welcome visitors into our school to teach about safeguarding and the community. This includes police visits, the fire service and bikeability. We have strong links with the NSPCC and their volunteers visit our school to ensure that children are fully aware of the service that they provide. All of this information is shared with parents via our website, Class Dojo, newsletters and our Twitter (X) feed. 

Common to all year groups:  handling tools and equipment safely, how to safely move PE equipment, online safety, water safety, movement around the school, safe movement around the school grounds and secrets – when things need to be shared.


Our safeguarding curriculum also teaches pupils about British Values and Online Safety as part of the Prevent Duty. 


All children also take part in fire drills every term and we also hold a lockdown drill annually. 


Stranger danger, road safety, emergency services (including a police visit), being kind to others (anti-bullying), site safety, unknown objects, medicines, trust, scissor safety, consent (NSPCC 'Pants') teaching and personal hygiene.

Year 1
Stranger danger, road safety, care and respect for each other (anti-bullying), keeping our hands to ourselves, taking care of our bodies and personal hygiene and exercise.

Year 2
Stranger danger, road safety, safety on school trips, safety in school e.g. shutting doors/gates, fire safety, track safety, electricity safety and around the home, science- medicines. What is bullying? Getting lost in public spaces and what to do in these circumstances. Healthy/unhealthy food and daily exercise, food hygiene.

Year 3
Stranger danger, road safety, safety in school and on school trips, bullying and clarifying this as a behaviour,  e-safety, who is safe to talk to on line, medicines, consequences and choices,  safe risk taking, building trust in relationships.

Year 4
Cyber-bullying, e-safety, cycle proficiency, after school safety, food safety, water safety – swimming pools, large bodies of water.

Year 5
Four types of abuse (NSPCC Speak out, Stay safe), drugs, peer pressure, Relationships and Health Education, personal hygiene, e-safety, cyber-bullying, bullying, fire safety including escape routes, healthy diet and benefits of exercise, bike-ability and road safety, water safety, self-esteem and assertiveness.

Year 6

Four types of abuse (NSPCC Speak out, Stay safe), Police visit (online safety), drugs, peer pressure, Relationships and Health Education, personal hygiene, cyber-bullying, bullying, fire safety including escape routes, healthy diet and benefits of exercise, road safety - including walking to school, water safety, self-esteem and assertiveness.
