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St Dominic Savio Catholic Primary School ‘Serve the Lord with Joy’

PE & Sport Premium

"The additional funding for primary sports and physical education is used effectively. New sports activities, such as lacrosse and Gaelic football, break down gender stereotypes and attract a wider range of competitions. There are now more sports and dance clubs, together with increased participation in sports competitions."

(Ofsted, October 2015)

The vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is that ‘all pupils leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.’

The funding is in addition to the curriculum funding for PE and sport from the main school budget and aims to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools.

Schools are able to use this funding to: hire qualified sports coaches to work with class teachers; provide existing staff with teaching resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively; introduce new sports or activities and encourage more pupils to take up sport; support and involve the least active children through a range of activities; run sports competitions and activities; and run sports activities with other schools.

"You can’t beat the life lessons that competitive sport offers."

Victoria Pendleton CBE, 2012 Olympic Gold Medallist Cycling 

At St Dominic Savio, we have a PE development plan in order to continue to improve provision and raise the achievement of all pupils in PE and Sport. Our key objectives include:

  • To improve the quality and range of PE delivered in lessons;
  • To increase our involvement and participation in local competitive opportunities e.g. inter-school festivals and leagues and to evidence the impact on pupils;
  • To raise the profile of sports and encourage all children to participate in sports;
  • To continue to improve the quality of the space provided for sports activities;
  • To ensure that PE is adequately resourced.

PE & Sport Premium 2023/24
The school was allocated £19,620 for the academic year 2023/2024. The school intends to build on the successful use of the grant in previous years, using this year's funding to provide high quality sports coaching and CPD opportunities for our children and teachers. We aim to provide our children with the opportunity to experience a rich and varied mixture of sports activities.

Schools are expected to evaluate their use of the PE & Sport Premium against the following five key indicators:

  1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles;
  2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement;
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport;
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils;
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport.


The impact of the PE & Sport Premium at St Dominic Savio is cross referenced to these five key indicators.
